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Published : December 17, 2021,Updated : July 16, 2024

EXIM Documentation: Vocabulary and Significance

EXIM Documentation:  Vocabulary and Significance

Many documentation and regulatory filings are required in an import-export firm for various reasons, including customs, tariffs, and so on. The language is complicated, and it is frequently necessary to seek expert guidance and services. Every movement of the items must be tracked till they arrive at the import destination. Because this is an international enterprise, it necessitates adherence to the legislation of the two countries. A parallel cross-border Foreign Exchange Remittance Leg also exists, with its own set of compliances and documentation. We attempted to cover the Basics of Export Documentation in this post.

Commercial Invoice

A commercial invoice is a document that an exporter or seller issues to an importer or buyer as proof of a transaction. It comprises the terms and conditions of the sale or purchase contract between the two parties. It’s also used to figure out the transaction’s customs charges and other taxes.

Customs Invoice

A customs invoice is a document that must be sent together with the products or commodities being shipped. This document is required anytime products are transported across any nation’s or state’s border. A customs invoice is similar to a business invoice, except it might include more information. It makes customs clearance easier.

Bill of Lading

A bill of lading serves as a contract between the shipper and the carrier. It includes all of the quantitative and qualitative information about the products that are being carried. The shipper, carrier, and receiver must all sign the bill of lading. When the products are ultimately taken to their destination, it is also known as the shipping receipt.

Shipping Bill (For Exports)

To export his goods, an exporter must file an application to customs for export clearance. The shipping bill is the name of this application. The carrier will not load the exporter’s products until the shipping bill is shown to him.

Bill of Entry (For Imports into India)

Before the items are imported, either the importers or the custom clearing agents file a bill of entry with the bond number and issue date. The customs clearance department then receives this paperwork. When this paperwork is presented, the importer is entitled to claim ITC on the items being imported.

 Certificate of Origin

The certificate of origin covers all of the pertinent information regarding the exported goods. It includes information such as the location where the product is created, the product’s maker, the product’s importer and exporter, etc. The chamber of commerce stamps this document and is provided separately from the exporters’ invoices and packing lists.

There are two sorts of certificates of origin: non-preferential and preferential. Non-preferential certifications indicate that the items cannot be exported tariff-free. Another is preferred, which allows products to benefit from tariff-free treatment.

Phytosanitary Certificate

A phytosanitary certificate is a document issued by the exporting country’s department of horticulture, agriculture, food, or water to an importer. This certificate is only necessary if the importer wishes to bring controlled items into the nation. Only the country’s authorised government has the authority to issue this document.

VGM (Verified Gross Mass)

The weight of the cargo, including dunnage and bracing, plus the tare weight of the container transporting the cargo, is the Verified Gross Mass (VGM), which is a global requirement. It’s the sum of the container’s tare weight and the cargo’s weight. Unless the VGM is recognised, no material may be put onto the ship.

EGM (Export General Manifest)

According to the Customs Act of 1962, the carrier must enter the information of the cargo that will be carried onto ships or planes. Before dispatching the shipment for export, the carrier submits an EGM. EGM serves as documentation of export, allowing the exporter to collect the advantages of their exports.

IGM (for Imports into India)

An IGM is a document created by the carrier containing all of the information about the items arriving at the customs destination. It is a required legal document that cannot be avoided since the customs agency inspects it once the items arrive at the customs station.

Bank Declarations

Banking services are essential to the export-import industry since they enable all transactions between importers and exporters and all intermediaries. The Authorised Dealer Bank and Customs in India are connected via RBI Systems (EDPMS and IDPMS).

In Conclusion

The entire export procedure is time-consuming and needs a great deal of paperwork. Even for specialists, it is a difficult task because each cargo has its unique quirks.

Even though this is a traditional industry with a lot of paperwork, technology is rapidly evolving in this field. We now have EXIM SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) solutions available that may assist in preparing most of these papers and the tracking of EXIM Workflow.

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